kainosite wrote in uk_lolitics Apr 27, 2016 06:52
yvette 'pixie queen' cooper, dcam takes names and breaks hearts, jeremy corbyn has a beige suit, ben 'bowie' bradshaw, angela eagle does not give way, prime minister's questions, sajid javid hon. member for skaro, john bercow is hbic, mace of the hoc glitter glitter yo, theresa may's clothes hurt my eyes, tom watson = awesome, andy burnham has sad sad eyes
gildinwen wrote in uk_lolitics Dec 09, 2015 12:01
conservative: not just truffles and swan, labour: a shadow, john bercow is hbic, angela eagle does not give way, george 'gideon' osborne
kainosite wrote in uk_lolitics Sep 27, 2015 06:51
labour: a shadow, ian 'last king of scotland' murray, harriet harman is dressed as a giraffe, angela eagle does not give way, well this is worrying, chris 'point of order mr speaker' bryant, labour party conference 2015, owen smith: sexy accountant